D.I.Y Jeweled Mule (Inspired by Gucci and @missenocha)
This is a super easy craft project to spice up some old mules/shoes you may have in your closet. This project is inspired my @missenocha on Instagram, she also has a blog called locksandtrickets.com! She is a D.I.Y blogger, but her thing is shoes, and I’m totally here for it! I never knew there were so many D.I.Y shoe options until I followed her blog! So to make this mule is super easy craft math. lol Mule shoes, plus glue, plus jewels, equals a new jeweled mule! I got my jewels from Michael’s and paid about $7 for them. It was actually pretty funny when I saw this project because I had the same exact mules from Forever 21 as @missenocha but I had never worn them! I’ve had them for at least 6-8 months now. I just always felt they were missing something. I thought to paint on them but I was scared I would mess it up so this was PERFECT! I love the bling it gives the shoe. She also has a video if you need to watch how she did hers you can check it out here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P8v0k_lRWIk
Check out my version below!!