D.I.Y with Nichelle B.,  Lifestyle

Creating a Meditation Space

Creating my meditation space has been super fun! Right now the space is super simple and I like the minimal look of it.. However, in the future I do plan to add some artwork! Creating a meditation space doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive. You really don’t even need all the things pictured, you can meditate anywhere as long as you have your breath. If you want to be consistent in a meditation practice I think it helps to have a dedicated space. Creating that space is all about catering to the 5 senses. Sight, touch, smell, hearing, and taste. Im going to simply explain what I mean below.

  • Sight- You want a beautiful space, yes but you also want something you can focus on maybe its a picture of black Jesus or a Buddha statue.. or maybe you want to close your eyes so eye pillows or an eye mask may be helpful
  • Smell- Whatever your choice if aromatherapy is go for it. Incense, sage, essential oils, candles, etc
  • Hearing- Sound Bowl, Yoga Playlist, Gong, water fountain. Sounds that are calming and relaxing.
  • Taste- Water or tea (is optional but I like to have it nearby)
  • Touch- Mala Beads, blankets, pillows, cushions, or just your hands touching your heart, or hands touching each other

Although there are a lot fo different things that could go on in your meditation space, I think these 3 are absolutely necessary! A rug, a plant or something from nature and some type of aromatherapy!!!

A rug – Rugs separate spaces. The same way when you step on your yoga mat you know what time it is. When I step on this rug I know what time it is. Choose a rug that is comfortable and that can be easily cleaned! My rug is a lightweight rug from Ikea. I like it because its washable and just the right size and price.

A plant– Having something from nature is something most people say is optional but I think it is definitely a must have! Having something from nature in the space helps to you grounded. I think the type of plant is important as well. Don’t just go for looks here. If you want a bunch of plants that’s great but I do think a few of them should be air purifying plants!

Aromatherapy– Aromatherapy is the cheapest type of therapy you can get! lol The aroma components from natural products have been used for mental, spiritual and physical healing since the beginning of recorded history. Smells and scents can affect your mood. Whatever scents you are drawn to put them in your space. I recommend going for all natural scents and products!! No Febreze, Air Wicks, or perfume here!! We want clean pure air.. Try some natural incense, sage or Palo Santo, a diffuser, reed sticks, herb sachets, or candles.. You actually have a lot of options here!! Honestly once you stop using all the fake stuff you probably won’t ever go back to the fake chemical laden smells.

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