D.I.Y Meditation Cushion
Heyy Boo Thang! I’m excited about this post! Maybe because its about Yoga and Sewing! Two of my favorite things!!! I used all my fabric scraps and made a meditation cushion. This year I wanted a dedicated mediation space and this cushion is the first thing I added to it!
I feel like I’ll probabaly have to do a whole series on meditation and creating a mediation space because there is so much I want to say! lol So first things first some of you may be wondering, what exactly is meditation?
This is a definition of Mediation from the National Institute of Health.
“Meditation is a mind and body practice that has a long history of use for increasing calmness and physical relaxation, improving psychological balance, coping with illness, and enhancing overall health and well-being. Mind and body practices focus on the interactions among the brain, mind, body, and behavior.
There are many types of meditation, but most have four elements in common: a quiet location with as few distractions as possible; a specific, comfortable posture (sitting, lying down, walking, or in other positions); a focus of attention (a specially chosen word or set of words, an object, or the sensations of the breath); and an open attitude (letting distractions come and go naturally without judging them).”
Meditation is amazing and I suggest everyone start a meditation practice. Start with 5 minutes of mindful breathing a day. Before making this cushion I usually would just sit without one.. However, using a cushion is much more comfortable and I’m able to sit longer. If you feel sore, can’t sit too long, or can’t seem to stick to a meditation practice try getting a meditation cushion/pillow.
Meditation pillows have been used for centuries and yes you can use a regular pillow but it is not the same as a meditation cushion. Meditation cushions are usually filled firmer than regular pillows to allow for some added height to the pillow. A popular stuffing for meditation pillows is buckwheat hulls, however those can be kind of pricey if you are trying to fill an oversized cushion like mines.Instead I used fabric scraps. Using fabric scraps allows the cushion to be firm, have height, and support your spine.
Disclaimer: I do not think a cushion filled with fabric scraps is a replacement to one with buckwheat hulls. Although this one is pretty heavy and firm, the ones with buckwheat hulls will hold their shape better and for a longer period of time. So, I say if you have nothing use a pillow, that’s good, if you can make a cushion with scraps that’s better, if you can add buckwheat hulls or buy a pre-made one, that is best!
Here are a few benefits of using a meditation pillow:
- Pain relief in your joints/Increased comfort
- Portable/ Take it anywhere
- Longer meditation time
- Increased stability & flexibility
- Having a dedicated meditation space & more consistency
- Allow you to sit in the proper posture
I feel like I’ve always been pretty consistent with my meditation practice but having a dedicated space makes my practice more personal, the space is aesthetically pleasing, and just stepping on the mat lets me know its time to calm down. I didn’t really follow a specific tutorial to make this. It is 2 circles with a band in the middle to give it the extra height. I traced a sunhat for my circle. You can literally use any circle shaped item you want. My band is about 4-5 inches wide and I added an extra strip of fabric for the strap so it is easy to carry. You can also add a zipper if you want a removable/washable cover.
Please let me know if you make a meditation cushion or start a meditation practice this year!